Friday, August 14, 2009


written by Lisa McMann

Prior to even beginning the book, I was theorizing as to what the title could possibly mean. Was Janie's ability going to fade, or was it her consciousness? In the third book, would it be her ability or herself that was gone? I began reading, intrigued before even the first page. The writing tone was just as amazing as it had been in the first book. As much as I loved the two broken protagonists, I wanted them to get it together, to talk, to discuss everything. The writing continually got to me, so strong, so lyrical, and all the while, the characters, well-developed things they are, kept getting on my nerves. I thought a lot of the plot was actually quite predictable and slow-moving, but the emotions throughout the whole book were so real and interesting to read about. I can't wait to see what happens in the third book, and I'm sure many readers echo this sentiment. Long live the awesome that is Janie and Cabel!

Rating: 3.5/5

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