written by Markus Zusak

Markus Zusak's I Am the Messenger is a poetic tale, masterfully crafted to be honest, but realistically unrealistic. The plot is set up in a thoroughly original way, unraveling a mystery through a deck of cards. The characters, too, have their original traits, letting the reader really see the beauty that exists in ugly. While everything is a little hard to believe (would people really be that happy to receive help from a stranger, with no questions, taking these symbolic gestures so emotionally, knowing exactly how they were meant to be interpreted?), the message is one that will resonate long after the book has been put down, with a truly empowering ending. However, while the message of random acts of kindness is a strong and resonating one, I have discovered that much of the plot is not. After reading this book twice now, I still can barely remember one clue from the next, and everything blurs together. It is still completely worth the read, as once you're in, you're in, and you won't be able to put this stellar book down.
Rating: 5/5
I loved this book!